Carrier BagsInformation


I'm part of the Cultural Negotiation of Science Research (CNos) Group at Northumbria University.

CNoS offers a unique opportunity to work and ‘negotiate’ with artists, academics, scientists, engineers, technologists through innovative practice-based methods. For the recent ten-year anniversary of the research group I co-organised, with my supervisor Christine Borland, a series of workshops run by multiple artists across a two week period.

The sessions were audio recorded for a podcast, which will be published for the Gentle Gestures edition ofMakings Journal, I’m interested in exploring soundscape as a means of storytelling and as an audio carrier bag.

This workshop gave participants a brief introduction to a Brother KH-830 knitting machine. Powered by hand and programmed by a punch-card system, it owes a legacy to the jacquard loom and helped inform the design of early computers. Participants learned how to cast on and change yarn on a simplified wooden version, before trying out their new skills on the needle bed and carriage of the knitting machine itself. My research is concerned with networks both digital and cultural, infrastructural, and metaphorical - machine knitting a 'carrier bag' or container for this idea.