Carrier BagsInformation

String Theory

Behind the back-lit curtain of the internet’s pages, there exists a physical network. A skeleton of servers, cables and fibre optics. This infrastructure, we rarely acknowledge, represents an uncomfortable truth: the web (physical and therefore virtual) is privately owned by a shrinking list of corporations. Within this context of power and access, the woven smashed LCD screen proposes that our internet might be broken.

Our dependent network looks less like a spider’s web, where the strings are evenly distributed, and more like a tangle of octopuses, their heads representing internet giants like google. But there are growing alternatives. The web, which has re-shaped our social DNA in the last few decades and which has the potential to revolutionise our organisational structures, could exist in the hands of its users instead. The interplanetary file system (IPFS) proposes a distributed network, where content is stored and shared across the hardware of the people who use it. This message and challenge is hidden within the digital print… DISTRIBUTE THE NETWORK.